Secure curriculum vision - click to expand
What is Secure?
Simply put, Secure is what sets Parklands apart from other schools. It is a three-stranded approach to our statutory duties that enhances the National Curriculum subject-based lessons your child will study during their time with us.
It is our school vision of Learn, Respect, Aspire, Achieve in action.
All pupils are in vertical tutor groups in form time and, once every fortnight, they also have a timetabled Secure lesson with their form. This creates the foundation of our shared school community and all learning in school. These sessions are responsive to current events and focus on equality and celebration to ensure every child feels valued, visible and safe. We also use these sessions to focus on Character Education, specifically developing the following virtues:
Service, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Resilience, Confidence, Empathy
All pupils also have Aspire on their timetable once a week. This is a lesson where they will develop the ambition and mindsets required so all believe they can be successful in life. This is achieved through project based learning, with every year group focussing on a different theme:
Year 7 - What makes Britain great? Year 10 - Personal growth
Year 8 - Global Goals Year 11 - Study Skills
Year 9 - Duke of Edinburgh
Although these themes are different in every year group, all years focus on the development and practice of the following employability skills:
Teamwork, Problem Solving, Creativity, Research, Communication, Learn, Reflect, Adapt
In addition to the timetabled sessions above, we also schedule collapsed timetable experiential days for each year group throughout the year. These offer a different type of learning to our usual classroom based approaches. This enables us to bring in outside providers and create bespoke cross-curricular opportunities to enrich pupils’ learning beyond the classroom and into the world they live in.
Together these strands help to develop the cultural capital pupils need to develop themselves to their fullest potential, work with others successfully and contribute to their communities positively, ensuring that Parklands produces accomplished citizens for tomorrow's world.
Secure curriculum overview