Please note that some of these may be subject to change, and notice will be provided via the website and/or email, where such a change occurs.

Please note that not all school events are included here.

  • 1st Sept 14 All Return to school for all year groups
  • 3rd Sept 14 11 Introduction to Year 11 Evening for parents and students
  • 4th Sept 14 10 Introduction to Key Stage 4 Evening for parents and students
  • 11th Sept 14 All Year 6 into 7 School Open Evening for prospective parents
  • 26th Sept 14 All Staff Training Day: Students not in school
  • 13th Oct 14 All African Child Choir Tour Concert, 7.30pm
  • 15th Oct 14 Year 7 Parents’ Evening to meet form tutors
  • 17th Oct 14 All Break up for October half term ( 2 weeks )
  • 3rd Nov 14 All Return after half term
  • 5th Nov 14 11 Year 11 Parents’ Evening (1)
  • 13th Nov 14 Ex-Year 11 GCSE Presentation Evening, 7.00pm start
  • 28th Nov 14 All Music Concert in aid of Camps International, 7.30pm
  • 8th Dec 14 11 Year 11 Mock Exam Week
  • 18th Dec 14 All Christmas Concert, 7.30pm
  • 19th Dec 14 All Break up for Christmas Holidays ( 2 weeks )
  • 5th Jan 15 All Return to school after Christmas
  • 21st Jan 15 10 Year 10 Parents’ Evening
  • 6th Feb 15 9,10,11 School Careers Fair
  • 11th Feb 15 11 Year 11 Parents’ Evening (2)
  • 12th Feb 15 All Break up for February half term ( 1 week: NB Friday 13th is training day )
  • 23rd Feb 15 All Return to school after half term
  • 25th Feb 15 Year 9 Parents’ Evening
  • 2nd Mar 15 Year 8 and 9 Options Evening
  • 11th Mar 15 Year 8 Parents’ Evening
  • 18th Mar 15 All 3 day Dance Showcase begins, Wednesday to Friday
  • 27th Mar 15 All Break up for Easter holiday ( 2 weeks )
  • 13th Apr 15 All Return to school after Easter
  • 22nd Apr 15 7 Year 7 Parents’ Evening ( subject teachers )
  • 4th May All Bank Holiday
  • 22nd May All Break up for May half term ( 1 week )
  • 1st June All Return to school after half term
  • 8th June All 5 house evenings over 3 days for new Year 7 parents starting in 2015
  • 3rd July All Staff Training Day: Students not in school
  • 9th July All Summer Music Concert, 7.30pm
  • 13th July All Learning Challenge Week
  • 23rd July All Break up for summer at 1pm