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Student Leadership at Parklands


Our aim is that all students can be involved in leadership opportunities to aid their development throughout their time at Parklands. This may be in lessons through demonstrating leadership skills, in extra curricular activities, or by taking on roles in student groups. 


There are 5 key purposes of student leadership at Parklands:


  1. To give students the opportunity to be role models and to represent the school positively.
  2. To provide students with the opportunity to develop the school and their leadership skills.
  3. To empower students to work on projects in partnership with staff and other students, aiming towards shared goals.
  4. To prepare students for life after Parklands. 
  5. To empower students to make an impact.


To give students the opportunity to be role models and to represent the school positively.

  • In your BfL, attendance, how you communicate with staff and peers. 
  • Your attendance at meetings, duties and extracurricular events.


To provide students the opportunity to develop the school and their leadership skills.

  • Students will have a link member of staff, SSLT, and Head Students to help to guide them on their journey. They will receive regular feedback. 


To empower students to work on projects in partnership with staff and other students, aiming towards shared goals.

  • Meetings, projects and events are encouraged by Prefect teams and groups. Pupils all have linked staff members to assist them.


To prepare students for life after Parklands. 

  • Leadership activities provide students with the opportunity to develop their communication skills, confidence, teamwork, as well as many other valuable skills.


To empower students to make an impact

  • Student leadership is not a token, or just a tie. It involves students working purposefully and taking an active role in making change happen.


Funding for Student Groups


The school lottery fund is available to student groups to help empower them in improving the school. 


Some examples of how the funding has already been used by Prefect groups. 


  • Sports Leaders - new equipment to use in house competitions. 
  • Wellbeing Prefects - colouring books and stationery for quiet club at lunch time.
  • Learning Support - whiteboards and pens for lunch time activities. 
  • Charity - prizes for their events such as Easter eggs. 
  • Hospitality - new High Visibility Vests  in various sizes. 


Communication with staff, peers, and the community 


  • Key staff involved with leadership groups have weekly meetings.
  • There are half termly updates with the lead member of staff. 
  • Whole school staff are informed via briefings and via email & newsletters to share with form groups about activities which are taking place.
  • Staff are encouraged to approach Prefect/SSLT for jobs.
  • Some groups have more frequent interactions with students and staff, such as Heads of Houses and Sports Leaders. 
  • The importance of sharing regular updates is made clear to all of the student leadership groups.
  • Prefect groups meet SSLT leaders and they each link with a Head Student who gives feedback to staff with responsibility for the student leadership.
  • Newsletter and website updates will be shared in form and out of school.
  • The Parklands Prefects Instagram page allows more information to be shared about the ongoing progress.


Leadership Culture at Parklands


At Parklands we are proud of students and their commitment to their roles. Students are seen as role models across the school and this is enhanced by the school’s vertical tutoring system, which allows students to be mentored and encouraged by older students. 


Student activities engage the whole school community and frequently the wider community as well. This is engaging for the students leading the activities, and also for the students being led. Students are involved in a variety of projects, such as House competitions, events, and Respect Days; all of these are led or contributed to by student leadership groups. 


Events are open to all, although some events are targeted towards certain student groups as required (e.g. Year 7 pupils) or decided by the student groups. 


Leadership is encouraged across all school years through leadership points and the leadership CV.  This accumulates over their 5 years at Parklands. Pupils start in year 7 to work towards building their leadership skills and experience before applying for Prefect status  in year 9 and for a position on the Senior Student Leadership Team in year 10.


Students who demonstrate commitment and excellence in their roles will be granted alumni status in year 11. 


Follow this link to see the Prefects Page