The school policy for provider access is available here. This so-called Baker Clause gives education and training providers the opportunity to talk to pupils in years 8 to 11 about technical qualifications and apprenticeships.

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Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG)

We are highly committed to providing our students with information, advice and guidance relating to future decisions and careers. Schools work towards a series of goals, known as the Gatsby benchmarks. Parklands has held all eight of these benchmarks for a number of years now and we continue to be assessed on a termly basis to ensure that we are still meeting the criteria. The details for each of these benchmarks and the ways in which we meet and monitor them at Parklands are summarised in the flip-book document below/above. Other information and documents are available below, including:

  • Links to our ‘Career of the Week’ and ‘Career News’ magazines.
  • Planning documents for whole-school and curriculum CEIAG provision.
  • The Careers Calendar.
  • Local labour market information for Lancashire and links to ‘Portal’, an interactive LMI tool.
  • The school policy for provider access.

Careers education at Parklands is led by Miss P Berry - follow this link to contact: (mail to: or call 01257 264596

Miss Berry RCDP holds the full Level 6 diploma in CEIAG as well as the Level 7 Career Leader qualification. She is a registered career development professional and appears on the CDI register of career development professionals.

She is also a member of the Association of Mental Health First Aiders.


The latest Careers Calendar can be accessed here.


Follow this link for our 'Career of the Week' page


Career News



Click image for latest edition of Careers News


Careers News Previous Editions


LearnLIVE Careers Guidance

We now have a 'LearnLIVE' page for Parklands High School, follow this link for live interviews with local employers and recordings of live interviews. The site also has a chat feature for direct contact with our careers adviser and links to 'live jobs' (using the green tab on the right hand side of the screen)


Useful Careers Documents

Whole School and Curriculum Area CEIAG Planning Documents

The school policy for provider access is available here.

Our impartial careers advisor, Miss Berry, is in school every day, based in the top office. Every Year 11 pupil will have a one to one careers guidance interview; pupils in other years will have small group interviews, allowing them to start thinking about and researching possible pathways. Pupils (or parents/carers) may request an interview directly by emailing

Pupils from any year group are welcome to drop in at break or lunch with any queries about colleges, apprenticeships, universities or careers in general. There are prospectuses from all the local colleges and training providers, along with a large selection of university brochures on display.

Lunchtime drop in sessions from various colleges and training providers are held on a regular basis – these will be advertised via the bulletin or by email. These are a great chance to chat about facilities, courses, transport and entry requirements.

There are a number of very good careers websites providing advice and guidance on a wide range of jobs, training courses, apprenticeships and so on. Follow the links on the school website.


Please follow this link, or click the image below to access the most recent edition of 'Careermag for parents'


And this link for the most recent addition of 'Careermag for school leavers'


SACU - Careers Guidance Site

Click on the picture to register (it's free) and complete a 'careers cloud' on the SACU website - you'll be provided with loads of links to careers that suit your personality and interests.



Click here to watch the video from our 2025 careers fair....



Work Experience and Local Labour Market Information


Destination Data at Parklands

Links to Local College Websites