Our Parklands vision is that all pupils regardless of their race, religion, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation can thrive in our inclusive and supportive school, where every individual is given the academic, pastoral, and emotional support they need to succeed.


At Parklands, we know every individual and their background; each pupil is at the centre of all our work. This holistic approach means we can tailor the package of support each pupil receives so that the playing field is levelled for each pupil. We strongly believe in providing equity for our students - meaning each person is treated as an individual to ensure they get the exact support they need to reach their potential.


Our support goes well beyond the classroom for all our pupils, including those seeking sanctuary. A team of staff is set up around every child depending on their need, including house achievement leaders, learning support assistants, teachers, form tutors, safeguarding professionals trained in trauma, our school counsellor and EAL lead. This team extends to the pupil’s family, with additional support from external providers where appropriate. We also work closely with Chorley Council to admit refugees and asylum seekers into our school family.


We believe in removing any barriers so that we are setting our students up for success. That is why each new starter has a settling-in programme, a fully-trained buddy and named staff members they can go to for help, as well as language assessments and interventions. We aim to include parents and carers every step of the way and will employ interpreters where necessary to ensure they are fully aware of how we can all work as a team to support their child. Depending on the pupil's age, we decide which year group a pupil should enter to have the best possible opportunity to receive a full education, both academically and socially. Pupils can be entered for additional GCSEs in their home language and English as an Additional Language in order to boost the number of qualifications they receive.


The culture of our school community is one of inclusion and diversity where all those connected to Parklands feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in the life of the school. Diversity is a strength that we respect and celebrate.