We are a very forward thinking school when it comes to all things Eco. As a whole school we are always looking for ways to help the environment with the things we do. 
Our heating system has recently been updated so that we are more energy efficient. We have now replaced the outdated lighting system. We now have over 95% energy efficient LED lighting, this includes all our outdoor spotlights. The system also includes passive infrared (PIR) sensors which again reduce our energy output.
We were one of the first schools in Chorley to introduce and install four electric vehicle charging points. We are also very excited as our next major project will be to install solar roof panels, this will work alongside our curriculum with tailored lessons for our students. This should hopefully be completed within the next year.
We have a strong and vibrant Eco team here at school. We meet every week to discuss and plan new ideas and strategies to help our school contribute to helping our environment. We hold regular House competitions to highlight different issues affecting all of us. We are especially proud of making sure that the canteen uses mostly non plastic, compostable cartons and containers to serve hot food and that we are now a school that does not sell any drinks through the canteen. All our students are asked to bring in a reusable bottle. These can be refilled at one of our many water refill stations around school.
We are planning to secure the ‘Green Flag’ award once again for Parklands as we have already embedded many of the requirements of the award within the school. We regularly litter pick around the school grounds and surrounding areas and have a scheme where you can hire litter picking equipment from the school and go out and about in your own area at the weekends. We also take part in the yearly RSPB ‘big schools birdwatch’ which helps to build a picture of our local bird population.
We have an amazing rewilding area in school where we created our own pond with its own ecosystem and have a rolling programme of planting trees and shrubs on the school grounds. We work closely with the Woodland trust who supply the young saplings and we are always looking for new projects to get our teeth into. Look out for a chicken coup hopefully coming soon as we acquire some rescue hens. We want to make sure that the biodiversity throughout the school site is at its peak and we hope that all the projects and work we carry out help to achieve this. We want to be the greenest school in the Chorley district!