Dance curriculum vision - click to expand
Dance curriculum overview link
KS4 Course
- GCSE Dance - Specification
KS4 content summary
- Performance Skills
- Choreography Skills
- Critical Appreciation of Performance
- Professional Dance Anthology
GCSE Dance - Three Practical exams (solo set phrases, duo/trio performance and choreographed piece). One written exam (80 marks - 90 minutes)
Extra-curricular activities
Monday - 3.00 - 4.00 - Y7 Dance Club
Tuesday - 3.00 - 4.00 - KS3 Cheerleading, 4-5pm KS3 Pom Dance
Wednesday - 3.00 - 4.00 - Y8&9 Dance 4-5 KS3 Dance Team
Thursday - 3.00 - 4.00 - Y10& 11 Dance 4-5 KS4 Dance Team
Friday 3.00 - 4.00 KS4 Cheerleading 4-5 KS4 Pom Dance
The pavilion is also a bookable rehearsal space throughout lunch times and after school for students who want to work on the practical side of their GCSE Dance course
Careers leading on from Dance:
How parents can support their children
Dance kit is compulsory and although dance shoes are optional, these can however have a big impact on your child’s performance. Dance shoes are available through school at a discounted rate to dance suppliers.
The more practical experience, the better. Encourage your child to attend school dance club and, where possible, external dance lessons.
Encourage your child to watch back all shared performance videos and analyse their performance.
Ensure they are keeping up to date with fortnightly dance diaries, analysing their strengths and weaknesses.
Encourage your child to attend all theatre and college trips we run as well as any additional dance workshops.