Health and social care curriculum vision - click to expand

Health and social care - curriculum overviews

KS4 Course

The Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care (2022):

  • Is a level 2 qualification; however, it is graded at Level 2 Pass, Level 2 Merit, Level 2 Distinction, Level 2 Distinction*

  • Is designed for learners aged 14 years and over.

  • Is a 120 guided-learning-hour qualification (equivalent in teaching time to one GCSE subject).

  • Has 3 core units/components.

  • Has 2 internal assessments (externally set by Pearson and worth 60% of the qualification), and 1 final 2 hour exam worth 40% of the final qualification.

It has been developed to:

  • Give learners the opportunity to gain a broad understanding and knowledge of the health and social care sector.

  • Give learners a more focused understanding of health and social care through the selection of optional specialist units.

  • Give learners the opportunity to develop a range of personal skills and techniques, through the selection of units that are essential for successful performance in working life.

  • Give opportunities for learners to achieve a nationally recognised level 1/level 2 health and social care qualification.

  • Support progression into a more specialised level 3 vocational or academic course or into an apprenticeship.

Content Overview

  • Component 1: Human Lifespan Development: Learners will explore different aspects of growth and development and the factors that can affect this across the life stages. They will explore the different events that can impact on individuals’ physical, intellectual, emotional and social development and how individuals cope with and are supported through changes caused by life events. 

  • Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values: Learners will explore health and social care services and how they meet the needs of service users. They will also study the skills, attributes and values required when giving care. 

  • Component 3: Health and Wellbeing: Learners will explore the factors that affect health and wellbeing, learning about physiological and lifestyle indicators, and person-centred approaches to make recommendations to improve an individual’s health and wellbeing




Our approach to teaching and learning supports the specialist vocational nature of BTEC qualifications. Teaching at Parklands gives a balance of practical skill development and knowledge requirements. Learners are able to apply their learning to real events and scenarios and activities within the health and social care sector. Learners examine and discuss media articles that highlight developments in the health and social sector, or examples of good and bad practice. Learner reflection is also encouraged, which is important in health and social care.

The delivery of the BTEC Tech Award is enriched and extended by the use of:

  • Case study materials set within health and social care.

  • Visits by learners to local health and social care settings.

  • Inviting relevant parents, service users or contacts to come to speak to the learners about either what it is like to work in the health and social care sector or their experiences of using health and social care services.

  • Asking a local employer to discuss particular case studies and real-life experiences, related to the units within the qualification.

  • Arranging role plays or simulated activities to illustrate examples of good and bad practice, such as the effective or ineffective application of communication skills within health and social care scenarios (e.g. between staff, or between health and social care workers and service users).


Learners will receive regular verbal feedback from their class teacher to help them organise and improve class notes, a crucial resource. Learners will complete assignments (coursework) set externally by Pearson during the teaching of Components 1 and 2, in the lead up to this they can expect to complete mock assignments which will be marked in line with the expectations of the Awarding Body. During the examined Component 3 unit, learners can expect to complete practice exam papers and staff will provide feedback here to drive improvement.

How can parents support their children

Support is essential throughout Years 10 and 11 in terms of attendance and positive behaviour for learning so vital lessons and coursework opportunities are not missed. You can also support your child by ensuring they meet coursework deadlines as this will affect their overall grade for this qualification. Learners will bring their course workbooks home on occasion to complete extension tasks set by their class teacher, the support of parents here is vital in ensuring the tasks are completed and pupils are not missing opportunities to deepen their understanding of key knowledge.