Maths curriculum vision - click to expand
Maths curriculum overviews
Exams and Specifications
All students will sit the AQA GCSE Mathematics (8300) specification. You can access a detailed copy of the specification on the AQA website.
There are two tiers of entry available to students. GCSE Mathematics has a Foundation tier (grades 1 – 5) and a Higher tier (grades 4 – 9). Students must take three question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken in the same series.
Each paper has a mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems. The mathematical demand increases as a student progresses through the paper. Content from any part of the specification may be assessed on each paper. Paper 1 is non calculator whereas papers 2 and 3 a calculator is allowed. All papers are 1hour and 30 minutes long and are worth 80 marks each.
Revision and Support
To aid your child in revision for their exam they can purchase revision guides and exam practice workbooks from their maths teacher. Should you wish to purchase these yourselves please ensure you select the correct specification and tier for your child. We offer the CGP AQA Mathematics revision guides and exam practice workbooks (for the grade 9-1 course ) for both higher or foundation tiers.
As a school we also supply each student with a personal login to access Dr Frost. Dr Frost is an online platform that your child can use as a revision aid. It provides instructional videos and online quizzes which give instant feedback.
Careers leading on from Maths
How parents can support their children
There is a lot of content to cover at KS4. It is therefore essential that every student is consolidating and underpinning their understanding by practicing further at home. Please encourage your child to work for at least an additional hour each week reviewing prior work to enable them to become independent learners. Revision sessions will run after school but these should be in addition to homework and self study.
Access Show My Homework for up to date homework information.
For KS4 revision materials access videos and resources on Corbett Maths, Hegarty Maths and Just Maths
Feel free to contact your child’s Maths teacher to discuss concerns or to access further guidance.
GCSE Revision videos are also located on GCSE Pod. Your child will have a password and access to this.
Be positive! Children pick up on signals from adults who display a negative attitude towards the subject. This can have a significant impact on the way they view the subject and can impact their success in it.
Try to provide a quiet, well-lit place for your child to study, away from TV, video games, telephone
Have your child explain what he or she is doing in maths and try to develop a conversation with your child around maths
If we have contacted home to offer extra support or revision sessions for your child, please support us and encourage them to attend the activities
Ensure your son/ daughter has the correct equipment including a scientific calculator, pen, pencil, ruler, a pair of compasses and protractor. All of these can be purchased from school.
Some students prefer using a textbook or revision guide to work through. Revision guides will be available through school at certain points in the year. If you wish to purchase a textbook to use at home, please ensure you buy one for the new 2017 curriculum. CGP sell basic textbooks for practice and online editions are particularly good value.