PE Curriculum vision - click to expand

PE curriculum overviews


KS4 Course

The GCSE PE course we deliver is from OCR. The course has proven to be a very popular option with around 50 pupils per year group studying the course. GCSE results for 2018 were very strong and the program is mapped out to support all students who wish to study GCSE PE. 

All pupils take part in Core PE as part of their school curriculum. Students in years 7, 8 & 9 receive two hours of PE per week, students in Y10 and Y11 receive 3 hours per fortnight. 

We have a broad practical curriculum in which students participate in a range of team and individual sports. Students study two different sports per half term. You can access our core PE curriculum programme of study here.


Exams taken

Pupils who have opted to take GCSE PE will be examined at the end of the three year course with 60% of their final mark taken from two theory exams, 30% from their practical ability and 10% is taken from written coursework.


How parents can support their children

Parents/carers are continually contacted regarding fixtures and extra-curricular opportunities that occur in PE. Key stage 3 pupils' attainment is tracked as in other subject and if we feel there isn’t sufficient progress being made then a letter/email is sent home to express our concerns. This also applies if pupils are exceeding their targets.