Students are encouraged to express themselves through their Art and Photography, which is supported by strong research into the wider world around them. Art and Photography at Parklands lends itself to a wide range of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural studies. Students analyse, engage and question their own and others’ work, identify how beliefs, values and meanings are exposed and shared.
Spiritual Development in Art and Photography
Art and Photography is dependent on the students’ ability to enquire and communicate their ideas, meanings and feelings. Students will investigate visual, tactile and other sensory qualities of their own and others work. We encourage independent thinking that will enable students to develop their ideas and intentions and express these in an appropriate manner. Art and Photography focuses on building confidence through developing skill sets in each project. All schemes of work are designed to show progression to enhance self-worth. All outcomes are encouraged to show individuality that is purposeful and meaningful. Students are encouraged to explore their own ideas and meanings in order to promote self-identity. Students are taught to experiment and trust in their own judgements throughout the courses by being given the freedom to use different media together to improve their creative responses and express personal opinion.
Moral Development in Art
Students are given the opportunity to give an opinion as to what looks good and what does not and then justify their views. All students are taught to understand and read work in order to relate to a concept or idea that conveys a meaning. The GCSE ‘Identity’ project looks closely at how student lives have been influenced through personal experiences. Throughout the course students are encouraged to look at work that will often pose a moral question. The student’s outcomes are supported with a rationale or a meaning that will convey a personal and individual message.
Social Development in Art
Students’ work is celebrated throughout the school and displayed in many areas. Pupils work independently and collaboratively to develop extensive displays of work in the Art department and around the school. Student discuss a range of artists and art work that encourage and develop communication skills. Regular group and pair work in Art and Photography, supporting one another in a variety of projects in order to enhance team working skills such as collaborative art sculptures, large scale work and working with external practitioners. All year groups give regular peer feedback and assessment which encourages communication and confidence. Students are taught to give and receive comments relating to ‘what worked well’ and ‘even better if’ in order to inform ideas and decisions about their work. The Art and Photography department aim to hold a regular exhibition of student work in which students are encouraged to present, discuss and celebrate their work with the wider social community including family and friends.
Cultural Development in Art
Throughout the units of work explored students will develop their knowledge and understanding of an artist’s ideas and concepts identifying how meanings are conveyed. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of cultures, beliefs and religions. Through their investigations they may research and explore the religious and non-religious beliefs adopted by a variety of cultures from around the world. Students explore many artistic cultures such as Aboriginal, African and Indian art. Students are required to research a wide range of artists and link their findings to their own work. Art and Photography trips to Liverpool and Salford Quays are used to help influence and link to personal projects. Students are encouraged to experiment with a variety of traditional and non-traditional art materials and processes.