SMSC Design and Technology

Food Department contribute to pupils’ SMSC development by:



  • Providing students with the opportunity to explore designs from all over the world and the global impact of the production of products.
  • Understanding how design decisions can impact culture and religion.
  • By offering feedback and assessment that values pupils’ effort and achievements.
  • Mutual respect is developed through the process of peer evaluation of each other’s work and standards. A pupil’s ability to self-reflect is developed through self-assessment.
  • Both classroom and practical based lessons in D&T offer pupils the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, use their imagination and creativity when manufacturing products to solve problems.



  • By developing individual skills, confidence, independence and creativity through practical lessons. Pupils will be equipped with the appropriate training and knowledge to manage their own safety in the D&T workshops.
  • Promoting participation and teamwork in practical lessons – encouraging pupils to work co-operatively and accept accountability for their engagement.
  • Reflecting on the ethical issues around design such as price, income, fair trade, pollution and sustainability. Opportunities are provided to appreciate the views of others.
  • Reflecting on the moral issues of product production in other countries, including the use of cheap labour and poor working conditions.
  • Lessons and extra-curricular activities are offered so that pupils have enjoyment and a fascination to learn about design and manufacturing.



  • Developing partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend pupils’ cultural and social awareness i.e. colleges/parents/STEM
  • Positive and effective links are made with the world of work and wider community through STEM ambassadors – with visiting speakers and opportunities to enter external competitions.



  • Giving pupils the opportunity to explore cultural differences in the use of products and how they’re designed.
  • Pupils are encouraged to recognise and respect cultural and social differences of other pupils within lessons.
  • Pupils learn about the consumer rights act 2015 and its impact on retail. This includes the relevant British standards for design and manufacturing within the UK.
  • Pupils will learn about inclusive design.