Food Department contribute to pupils’ SMSC development by:
Providing students with the opportunity to participate in making and evaluating food from other countries learning about others from the world around them.
Acknowledging and exploring government guidelines for healthy eating and dietary requirements to make healthy life choices.
By offering feedback and assessment that values pupils’ effort and achievements.
Mutual respect is developed through the process of peer evaluation of each other’s work and standards. A pupil’s ability to self-reflect is developed through self-assessment.
Both classroom and practical based lessons in Food offer pupils the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, use their imagination and creativity when cooking.
By developing individual skills, confidence, independence and creativity through practical cooking lessons. Pupils learn and make decisions about food safety and hygiene.
Promoting participation and teamwork in practical cooking lessons – encouraging pupils to work co-operatively.
Reflecting on the ethical issues around food such as price, income, fair trade, food miles and sustainability. Opportunities are provided to appreciate the views of others.
Reflecting on the moral issues concerning food production in other countries of the world.
Lessons and extra-curricular activities are offered so that pupils have enjoyment and a fascination to learn about the food they eat
Developing partnerships with outside agencies and individuals to extend pupils’ cultural and social awareness i.e. colleges/parents/chefs.
Positive and effective links are made with the world of work and wider community through Let’s Get Cooking Club – with visiting speakers and opportunities to cook alongside invited community groups.
Giving pupils the opportunity to explore cultural differences in food and diet – to explore their own cultural assumptions and values.
Pupils are encouraged to recognise and respect cultural and social differences of other pupils within food lessons.
Pupils learn to cook a variety of recipes including traditional British foods and world foods.
Pupils learn about Government guidance given on Healthy Eating and the concern for the health of the British population.