SMSC PE Statement
Spiritual Development
Students are encouraged to develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves and others when participating in a range of physical activities. Pupils learn a lot about themselves when exposed to challenging and competitive situations. These situations occur in lessons and in both intra-school and inter school competitions.
By undertaking a variety of roles including performer, coach and official, students develop their compassion and empathy for others. At KS4 this is developed further through providing opportunities for students to coach and officiate activities for younger students.
Students are provided with ample opportunity during their lessons to be imaginative and creative and also reflect upon their experiences.
Moral Development
At KS3 and KS4 pupils participate in a range of physical activities. Part of this participation involves learning the laws and rules of the varying activities. Based on this knowledge pupils develop decision making skills to enable them to participate effectively. Pupils learn to deal with the consequences of making decisions which both comply with or break the rules. Pupils also undertake the role of an official, in which they have to enforce the rules of an activity.
When participating in curricular and extra-curricular activities, pupils are expected to participate, adhering to traditional values of fair play and sportsmanship. Students develop their skills in responsibility, self-control and the management of others.
Social Development
Across both key stages pupils work collaboratively building their team work skills and ability to problem solve with others. Students work in a variety of groupings and are respectful of others’ opinions as part of their criteria for success.
Activities include both single sex and mixed gender sports in order to develop a respect for others.
Cultural Development
Pupils are provided with a vast array of opportunities to participate in activities and respond with a willingness to get in involved.
The programme of study involves pupils in a of activities from a wide range of cultural and historical contexts.
Sport is embraced as a global interest and pupils develop knowledge and understanding of the global relevance of sporting events; for example the Olympics and Football World Cup
At KS4 GCSE PE students study factors and influences which affect a person’s participation in sport and gain an understanding on how they can help to increase the participation rates within activities.