We are really PROUD of our Prefects, They get involved in areas of interest to them and drive that subject through school. You may see them leading and helping at clubs, running charity and community events or even doing corridor duties.
They work hard to support you and ensure that you are safe, happy and successful at Parklands.
In year 9, Prefects can apply to become a prefect. By year 9 they should have some experience in their leadership passport. This could be helping out at parents evenings, being in the newspaper team or being a learning ambassador.
As part of the application process, students will have their BfL scores, their attendance scores and their House Achievement Leader give them a score out of 3 of support.
If successful students will join one of their top 3 Prefect group choices, these include.
Within these groups are a lead member of staff, each group has its own rota system and individual roles and responsibilities.
These groups will also have a linked SSLT and head student to listen to feedback and progress of each group. They will then give feedback to NG/GF.